Practitioner conferences

"EIB lending to aviation within the Climate Bank Roadmap" Sustainable Regional Aviation Forum. European Regions Airline Association. Las Palmas, 21 September 2021.

"EIB lending to aviation - regional airlines" European Regions Airline Association CFO Workshop. London, 28 February - 1 March 2019.

"Airports and the European Fund for Strategic Investments: an update" 3rd ACI-World  Bank Aviation Symposium. London, 6 March 2017.

"The social discount rate and the social cost of carbon: the EIB approaches" Workshop for the Finalization of the Guidelines for Economic Analysis of Projects. Asian Development Bank. Manila, 15 June 2016. 

Chairing session on "Airport infrstructure, capital expenditure and finance" at the Airports Council International (ACI) 8th Annual Airport Economics and Finance Conference. London, 8-9 March 2016.

"Airports and the European Fund for Strategic Investments" ACI - World Bank Aviation Symposium. London, 7 March 2016.

"Airport PPPs: Aligning finance and utility"  ACI - World Bank Aviation Symposium. London, 25 February 2015. 

"Loans, loan guarantees and project bonds for airport projects"  ACI 6th Annual Airport Economics and Finance Conference and Exhibition. London, 12-14 March 2014. 

"Valuation: projected and potential.  Estimating the potential worth of an airport" 19th Annual Global Airport Development Conference. International Centre for Business Information. Paris, 5-8 November 2012.

"Airport valuations" roundtable speaker. 18th Annual Global Airport Development Conference. International Centre for Business Information. Barcelona, 8-10 November 2011

"El BEI en el sector aeroportuario" Primer Encuentro Internacional sobre Desarrollo de Aeropuertos y Negocio Aeroportuario en España. Institute for International Research. Madrid, 25-26 April 2006.

"La financiación de la Red Transeuropea de Transporte y las Autopistas del Mar." Seminario Internacional sobre las Autopistas del Mar en el Mediterraneo. Junta de Andalucia. Algeciras, 19-20 February 2004.

"The EIB's support to maritime transport development" Black Sea Shipping Conference. Lloyd's List. Sofia, 3-4 November 2003

"Cost benefit analysis of investments in airport infrastructure: a practical approach." Fifth European Conference on Evaluation of the Structural Funds, Budapest, 26-27 June 2003

"Modelos de competencia para el transporte aéreo en terriorios insulares" with Ginés de Rus. Primera Conferencia Internacional sobre Transporte Aéreo en los Territorios Insusulares. Gobierno de Canarias. Gran Canaria, 26-28 Marzo 1998.


Academic conferences and workshops

"Norms and standards in CBA: national and EU guidelines" Roundtable discussion. Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis Annual Conference. Online. 21 March 2022.

"Climate change and the aviation investment outlook" Aviation Management and Economics Conference. German Aviation Research Society. Online, 29 November 2021.

"Norms and standards in CBA: national and EU guidelines" Panel Discussion. Society for Cost-Benefit Analysis European Conference. Online. 20 October 2021.

"Air transport and regional development: main research challenges" Roundtable. Air Transport and Regional Development (ATARD) and German Aviation Research Society Workshop. Las Palmas, 19 March 2019.

"The treatment of emissions trading on aviation CBA's" Air Transport and Regional Development (ATARD) and German Aviation Research Society Workshop. Dublin 14 November 2017.

"Financing the industry" Roundtable. European Aviation Conference. Dublin, 13-14 November 2017.

"The economic appraisal of investment projects at the EIB" in Workshop on the Role of CBA in Government Decission-Making: International Perspectives. University of Milan, Society for Benefit-Cost Analysis (SBCA) and Centre for Industrial Studies. Milan, 20 September 2017.

"Economic assessment of investment incentives for the aeronautical industry" Workshop on The Effects of Air Transport on the Economy - How Can We Evaluate Them? Organised by the German Aviation Research Society (GARS) in cooperation with the International Air Transport Association (IATA).  University of Applied Sciences (UAS) Bremen, 10 July 2014.

"Evaluating the effectiveness of airline operating strategies in UK international markets" Universities Transport Study Group Conference. Cranfield, 1995.

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